Hello. Hello. Thanks for checking out my new site. I’m excited to launch by sharing this video piece Stung Picking Flowers that I made with friends a somewhat distant not that long ago. Good magic takes time of course 🙂 I’ve actually shared this individually with a lot of folks that have supported my work and others that were looking to see what kind of imagery I’ve done before. But, I thought it would be great to ‘officially’ release it where it is publicly accessible. Also this piece is an especially good first post as this was a true collaboration with many people I consider friends. To get to lean on the skills and camaraderie of these talented people was an enjoyable process and I look forward to many more opportunities to do just that here.
I’ve spearheaded slash produced slash captured so many things visually across the globe and been able to play and tour with bands musically all over the country. I’ve done DIY to OMG size productions wearing all kinds of hats and working with all sorts of great people. I’ve stood on the tarmac in Hawaii at sunrise as the world’s longest solo flight landed down in a solar powered plane five days after taking off from Japan. I have literally herded cats in Saudi Arabia, played a bowling alley in Pittsburgh, bribed security guards for rooftop access in Singapore, and realized two in the morning is a pretty good slot at punk bars in Las Vegas. I’d like to start documenting some of the exploits through this blog while I share the creative pieces that come from these projects. A metaphorical umbrella called second and montana, which has been my production company since 2011.
In closing thanks again for checking out my work here at second and montana and the above Stung Picking Flowers piece. Many thanks to Jeremiah Benskin for assisting with the visuals and for helping me realize a vision and vibe I had in my head. Shout out to Don Farwell at Earwig studios for the help with making it all sound great and continuing to connect musicians within the underground community. Very stoked to get to put together this piece featuring wuhlux with all the talented musicians joining me to pull off this arrangement including some great playing by Julia Massey, Dominic Cortese, Matt Deason, Emily Ravenscraft, and Marina Bajszár. Thank you. Thank you. Please enjoy and looking forward to sharing more.